If your credit card is issued by a major credit card company like Visa or Mastercard, then you should be able to use it in Bali just like you would at home. Many shops, hotels, and restaurants in Bali accept credit cards, but it is always a good idea to carry cash as a backup in case the establishment does not accept cards or if there are issues with the card reader.
If you plan to use your phone to make payments, you should check if your phone and credit card company support mobile payments, such as Apple Pay, Google Pay, or Samsung Pay, as this can be a convenient and secure way to pay. Some establishments in Bali may also support mobile payments, but it is still less common than using a physical credit card or cash.
It is always a good idea to notify your credit card company and bank that you will be traveling to Bali, so they do not flag any transactions as potential fraud and suspend your card. Additionally, you should also check if your credit card company charges any foreign transaction fees or currency conversion fees, which can add up quickly and make your purchases more expensive.